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World Environment Day 2019!

Creston Community Forest

This year’s World Environment Day was a great success with the Grade 4 & 5 classes from the Adam Robertson Elementary School! The field trip was held on June 5th 2019 at our completed fuel mitigation sites in Canyon, located at the end of Vance Road. This year, the two classes learnt how to plant trees, completed a nature scavenger hunt, and learnt the foundations of building wooden canoes using birch bark! The kids also took part in a discussion about climate change, ways to mitigate their carbon footprint, wildfires, and fuel mitigation.

After several years, the kids will be able to look back at the trees they’ve planted and see the impact they’ve made. The Creston Community Forest is dedicated to providing forest education programs for high school and elementary school students, in an effort to share knowledge of our local forests, climate change, and the forestry industry. We look forward to more trips like this in the future! A big thank you to Adam Robertson Elementary School for joining us.

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