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Trail Building Work Bee – July 27th!

Creston Community Forest

This past Saturday, the CCF hosted a trail building work bee on the upper section of the proposed West Ridge Trail. Jerry Bauer, a community board member here at the CCF, gathered and led the seven volunteers on a great community event with beautiful views of the Creston Valley. A short write-up by Jerry describes the day’s events:

The work bee on Mt Thompson was organized through the Trails for Creston Valley Society. They put a notice on their website and sent out emails to their members. Seven volunteers (plus myself) met in Creston at 8 on Saturday morning. Two vehicles drove to the top of Mt Thompson and started work on the new West Ridge Trail shortly after 9. Although this portion of the trail is in the alpine (no windfall to cut through), the trail building was difficult due to the very rocky conditions and the bear grass and low shrubs. After 4+ hours of work (and including several breaks and a short lunch break), we managed to build approximately 450 m of trail. We were back in Creston by 2. The day was bright and sunny and windy, and thankfully, not too hot. Actually, great day to build trail. Although the work was hard and slow, all were happy with the results and agreed to help again with another work bee.

The seven volunteers included: John Dinn, Ryan McEwen, Tom Coveney, Andrew Stolz, Pascal Smyth, Adam Mjolsness, and Trevor Marzke. Thank you all for helping us bring more trails to the valley.

Keep an eye out for future trail building work bees this summer.

Volunteers packing down their work

Volunteers enjoying a break from the hard work.

Volunteers with the Rim Trail in the background

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