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Firewood Cutting Do’s and Don’ts

Creston Community Forest

A friendly reminder: Firewood Cutting Do’s and Don’ts

The Creston Community Forest (CCF) has observed pick-up trucks and other non-authorized vehicles driving through the ditchline into the wildfire risk reduction treatment areas located off the Big Bear Forest Service Road. We ask that your vehicles remain on the road if you are visiting the area to obtain fire wood.

Here is what is allowed and not allowed when cutting firewood for personal use in the CCF:


1. Request PERMISSION from the Forest Manager, Daniel Gratton of the Creston Community Forest, before cutting a tree within this area-based tenure by email at:

2. On an annual basis read, understand, fill out, sign and carry this free permit at all times while cutting or transporting firewood after you received permission from our Forest Manager, Daniel Gratton:

3. Work safely, preferably in pairs.

4. Cut only dead or downed trees for firewood.

5. Leave decaying wood in place as they add to ecosystem function.

6. If purchasing firewood, ask where it came from to help keep firewood poachers accountable.

8. Help prevent the spread of insects, fungi, and other pathogens.

Do Not:

1. cut any tree that has wildlife habitat characteristics as identified on the permit, or “WT” for Wildlife Tree, painted on it.

2. cut green trees for access.

3. leave garbage in the forest.

4. drive through the ditchline into a treatment area.

5. cut trees in an active treatment area.

Photos from one of our project areas.

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