Firewood Information
We are a not-for-profit forest company who log to mitigate fires, keep our forest healthy and contribute funds back into the community of Creston.
First Steps for Firewood
Moving firewood can spread invasive species and diseases such as the Douglas-fir beetle which is the most prevalent concern in our area. B.C.'s forests are threatened by insects that can damage trees.
"The issues BC and Alberta are facing is that the winters are not cold enough, long enough to kill the insects and so the populations are increasing, along with trees being more stressed out with drought and more impact from more beetles, we’re experiencing more [forest] mortality," says our Forest Planning and Development Supervisor, Angela French. Moving firewood from one area to another increases the risk of spreading disease, funghi and pests.
Firewood cutting for personal use in the Creston Community Forest is permitted only under these specific conditions:
Personal permission is granted from our Forest Manager, Daniel Gratton, before cutting a tree within our Creston Community Forest area-based tenure. Contact information is listed below in image and in our 'Contact Us' section in footer of page or menu tab.
Free Permit
Annually, make sure to read, understand, fill out, sign, carry and follow your free permit at all times while cutting or transporting firewood:
Personal Firewood
Firewood cut in CCF is for personal use only and not being sold. See permit for allowable amount per person.
The Permittee accepts all responsibility and liability as a result of the firewood harvesting and transport under this Permit. Creston Community Forest accepts no liability for loss, damage to property, personal injury or death resulting from activities undertaken by the Permittee in harvesting firewood or in travel to and from the Permit area.

Photo: a visual example from our list of Don'ts
Firewood Do's
Work and fall safely, preferably not alone. Falling is risky business without the proper skill, knowledge, and safety gear.
Only dead or downed trees may be cut for firewood, though often these trees and logs are retained for structural diversity purposes and are a part of the larger ecosystem resilience lens that we manage the forest through.
Leave decaying wood in place as they add to ecosystem function by providing biodiversity in structure, and nutrient cycling.
Prevent the spread of insects, disease, and other pathogens by being educated about what may have caused the trees mortality, and possible risks of bringing the pathogens to your property.
Firewood Dont's
Cut any tree that has wildlife habitat characteristics as identified on the permit, or “WT” for Wildlife Tree, painted on it. These have been retained for the specific values and features they provide for wildlife in the area.
Cut any trees within a Wildlife Tree Patch. These areas are legally retained areas of the tenure that have special features important to be maintained for ecosystem biodiversity.
Cut green trees for access. Green trees are actively managed with long-term, sustainable practices in mind. The reasons are specific to the site. For more information contact CCF forestry staff.
Leave garbage in the forest. These areas are homes to wildlife, are in our backyards, and are not a dumping ground for anyone.
Drive through the ditch line into a treatment area. Ditch lines are designed for managing water movement in specific areas. Degrading the shape, direction, of filling with woody material prevents the flow of water and could cause damage to the access structures (roads) and watersheds by contributing to increased sedimentation in drinking water.
Cut trees in an active treatment area. Trees under active cutting permits have specific plans that need to be followed by the hired contractor. Cutting trees that are not meant to be cut can cause deviations from plans and operations that prevent our management objectives from being achieved.
Do not:
Do not:
Do not:
Do not:
Do not:
Do not:
If you’re unsure where not to go, contact the office for more information.
If purchasing firewood, ask where it came from to help keep firewood poachers accountable.
Let’s work together to ensure our forests are safely and sustainably managed for the future of our community.