Creston Valley
FireSmart Resiliency Committee
Photo: SIFCO
Hope is not a plan - together we can take action.
Local FireSmart Resiliency Committees strengthen collaboration between local partners to coordinate, plan and share information on how to successfully implement a joint strategy for their community based on the seven FireSmart disciplines.
In 2022 in the Creston Valley, the Lower Kootenay Indian Band, municipal and provincial governments, and partnering forestry licensees established an approach to wildfire risk reduction that is both inclusive and innovative.

1. Ask: "how do we reduce the risk of wildfire spreading through our Community and Forest?"
Attend our open house to ask questions, sign-up for a FireSmart Assessment, and to understand how you can play a role in it!
2. Create a Plan
At the beginning of each wildfire season, the Creston Community Forest and partners host an Open House for the community. The Creston Valley FireSmart Resiliency Committee will attend the Open House hosted by the Creston Community Forest and the Creston Valley Farmers Market.
The goal of the Open House is to bring together wildfire and wildlife practitioners and educators, government representatives, local forestry licensees and community members to discuss, learn, share and explore what work is happening in the Creston Valley and how you can play a part in making your home, community, and forest more resilient to wildfire.
Open House - 2024

Be Prepared.
Northwest Territories Wildfire 2023 - Highway 1
3. Connect with us
Wildfire Risk Reduction in our Forests and Community - Committee Partners
Wildfires are a growing concern in British Columbia, with major impacts felt by Indigenous and rural communities located in fire-prone ecosystems. Learning to live with fire by creating fire resilient communities is essential for our wellbeing.
In the Creston Valley, Managed Forests are often located at the interface between wilderness and settlements known as the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and play a vital role in mitigating severe wildfires. The goal of wildfire risk reduction projects on the forestry scale is to reduce the forest fuel load to prevent a severe crown fire from entering the community, which helps to safeguard homes and properties.
The Creston Valley FireSmart Resiliency Committee is actively involved in wildfire planning and preparedness, demonstrating leadership in both the proactive planning and highlighting its commitment to community safety.
Check out the video below to learn where the partner areas are located in the Creston Valley and the work that is underway.
The Creston Valley FireSmart Resiliency Committee ​

4. Save the number to call